MARINET 2 Project

The first two test campaigns (out of the three) selected during Call 1 of the MARINET 2 project have been successfully conducted in the wave and current basin of Ifremer in Boulogne/Mer. These tests were conducted on behalf of Irish and English companies: Open Hydro and Open Ocean Energy Ltd.
Thus, during two weeks, forces and flow measurements were carried out for various operating conditions of the Open Hydro turbine. The range of current speeds considered is: [0.7; 1.3 m/s] for turbine orientations (ducted and symmetrical) ranging from 0 to 180 ° and different turbulence flow rates (3, 5 and 15%). Combined wave / current tests have been also performed for regular and irregular wave conditions. If the forces measurements will make it possible to quantify the loading variations undergone by the machine, the wake of the turbine will be characterized from PIV and LDV velocity measurements.
The Second Experimental Campaign The second test campaign quantified the efficiency of the new vertical foil power capture modules and a device orientation bearing profile as a function of the incident current. The numerical results obtained in parallel will be confronted with the results of effort and torque measurements obtained experimentally.

The EU-funded MaRINET2 project has launched its second call for applications. The deadline of this End call is: 28 February 2018.

Essais de la turbine développée par la société OpenHydro Technology Ltd à l’échelle 1/20 - Bassin Boulogne/Mer

Essais du Tidal Flyer Junior développé par la société Open Ocean Energy Ltd - Bassin Boulogne/Mer