Accueil de scientifiques
Le pôle de Sclérochronologie a pour vocation d’accueillir des scientifiques (chercheurs et étudiants) pour échanger, se former et utiliser le matériel.
Chercheurs et étudiants étrangers:
Name | Date début | Date fin | Degree prepared | Etablissement | Sujet |
GNOUMOU Siefo Parfait | 03/04/2018 | 15/06/2018 | PhD Thesis | University Ouagadougou Burkina Faso | Growth and reproduction of Claria anguillaris and Oreochromis niloticus in the lakes of Burkina Faso |
AKKUS Gizem | 01/09/2017 | 30/09/2017 | PhD Thesis (Erasmus Grant) | Middle-East Technical University Turkey | Exploration and of small pelagics' otolith structures across areas |
KHALDI Asma | 02/05/2017 | 30/06/2017 | PhD Thesis | University Tunis El Manar Tunisia | Growth of sparidae in the Gulf of Tunis |
BECHEKER Ali | 13/03/2017 | 15/04/2017 | PhD Thesis | University Badji Mokhtar-Annaba Algeria | Growth performances de of mugilidae juveniles off East Algeria |
PRESTES-CARNEIRO Gabriela | 04/07/2016 | 11/07/2016 | PhD Thesis | University Santarem Brazil | Reconstructing fishing seasonality in an Amazonian pre-Columbian site (Loma Salvatierra, Bolivia) through Synbranchus marmoratus (Teleostei) sclerochronology |
GONCALVES Patricia | 20/06/2016 | 12/07/2016 | PhD Thesis | IPMA Portugal | Blue whiting otoliths shape analysis |
HAMED Oussama | 15/05/2015 | 20/06/2015 | PhD Thesis | University Tunis Tunisia | Age, growth and mortality of the starry weever Trachinus radiatus |
LAVOIE Emilie | 01/05/2015 | 30/06/2015 | PhD Thesis | University Québec Canada | Growth and Otoliths shape of SalvelinusFontinalis in Mauricie lakes |
BOUFERSAOUI Samira | 05/05/2014 | 28/05/2014 | PhD Thesis | University USTHB-FSB Algeria | Age and growth of the striped seabream (Lithognathus mormyrus, Teleostei: Sparidae) in the central coast of Algeria (south-west of the Mediterranean Sea |
BOUHADIDA Sultana | 29/04/2013 | 03/05/2013 | PhD Thesis | University Es senia-Oran Algeria | Growth of red mullet in the Algerian coast |
Stagiaires français:
Name | Date début | Date fin | Degree | Etablissement | Sujet |
Alaia MORELL | 08/01/18 | 22/06/18 | M2 | Agrocampus Ouest | Spatial structuration of Eastern English Channel life traits |
Gwendal LE GOFF | 04/04/16 | 03/06/16 | M1 | U. Lille 1 | Robustness of the relations between otolith and fish morphometric parameters |
Romain VETIL | 04/04/16 | 03/06/16 | M1 | ULCO | Time changes in the recruitment and life history traits of red mullet (Mullus surmulletus) in relation to climate |
Valentin BRISAC | 25/05/15 | 20/06/15 | L1 | UBO | Relation between fish and otolith shapes in the English Channel |
Pierre LAILLE | 30/03/15 | 23/05/15 | M1 | ULCO | Relation between ontogenic growth of otoliths and fish in the English Channel |