Année 2008

- Marine Current Energy Converter Tank Testing Practices
G. Germain, 2nd International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2008), 15th – 17th October 2008, Brest, France.

- Numerical characterisation of the wake generated by marine current turbines farm
F. Maganga, G. Germain, G. Pinon, E. Rivoalen
2nd International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2008), 15th – 17th October 2008, Brest, France.

- Wake effects characterization using wake oscillator model. Comparison on 2D response with experiments. 
B. Gaurier, G. Germain, D. Cébron
ICHD, Nantes, Octobre 2008.

- Numerical Simulation of the wake of Marine Current Turbine with a particle method 
F. Maganga, G. Pinon, G. Germain & E. Rivoalen
World Renewable Energy Congress X, Glasgow, Juillet 2008.

- Flow boundary interaction effects for marine current energy conversion devices 
L. Myers, A.S Bahaj, G. Germain, J. Giles
World Renewable Energy Congress X, Glasgow, Juillet 2008.

- Vortex-Induced Vibrations using wake oscillator model. Comparison on 2d response with experiments.
B. Gaurier, D. Cebron, G. Germain
9th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibrations ( FIV2008) - 30 June - 3 July 2008, Prague, République Tchèque.

- Caractérisation d'effets de sillages rencontrés en milieu offshore 
G. Germain, B. Gaurier, M. Le Boulluec, E. Giry, E. Fontaine
Revue Européenne de Génie Civil. Vol. 12 - No 5/2008

- Sillages et écoulements internes 
G. Germain
Journée thématique AFVL, Paris, janvier 2008